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СообщениеДобавлено: 26 Авг 2003 15:23    Заголовок сообщения: Рука руку моет

СообщениеДобавлено: 26 Авг 2003 16:22    Заголовок сообщения:

1) Та же самая Дорит Бейниш, будучи генеральным прокурором, дала ШАБАКу разрешение задействовать Авишая Равива в провокации, заведомо зная, что в результате провокации Равива будет арестован и обвинен другой человек. Источник - сотрудник ШАБАКа, ответственный за связи с прокуратурой. См. протокол секретного заседания прокуратуры и ШАБАКа:

Фотокопия протокола - страницы 1,2,3,4. Стенограмма: на иврите и английском.

2) Как Аарон Барак назначил Бейниш своей наследницей в БАГАЦе:

In practice, the three justices on the [judicial appointments] committee do vote as a bloc, and it is their vote which almost always determines the outcome. A good illustration of this point is the 1995 appointment of State Attorney Dorit Beinish to the Supreme Court. In 1993, her appointment was considered and rejected because she was regarded by the Supreme Court justices to be less qualified than the other candidates. The vote at the time was five to four against, with the five negative votes coming from the three justices, led by Supreme Court President Meir Shamgar, and the two Bar Association representatives. At the time, the daily newspaper Ha'aretz reported that the justices presented a united front despite "persistent rumors" of sharp differences of opinion among them. Two years later, her appointment was again considered, but by this time Shamgar had retired and been replaced by Aharon Barak, a longtime personal friend of Beinish. Even though her qualifications had not substantially changed (she was still State Attorney), the vote this time was nine to zero in favor of her nomination. Later, Barak himself admitted that it was he who had "initiated" Beinish's appointment. Effectively, this meant that Barak's appointment as Supreme Court President shifted five of the nine votes on the committee, and reversed the previous decision. The importance of this particular appointment should not be underestimated: By tradition, the presidency of the court-an office substantially more powerful than that of the chief justice of the United States Supreme Court—is given to the justice who has served longest on the Supreme Court. When Barak retires at age seventy in the year 2006, Beinish will replace him as president. In other words, just two years after Beinish was rejected for a position on the court due to her lack of qualifications, Barak was able to hand-pick her as his successor.
Max Jr.
СообщениеДобавлено: 27 Авг 2003 06:09    Заголовок сообщения:

на них-то в БАГАЦ никто иск не подаст
СообщениеДобавлено: 27 Авг 2003 15:18    Заголовок сообщения:

СообщениеДобавлено: 28 Авг 2003 08:05    Заголовок сообщения:

Хоть и не в соответствии с содержанием, но в соответствии с наименованием . О деятельности в хайфской ирие фракции СОГРАЖДАНЕ (от партии Р.Бронфмана), которые содействуя с МЕРЕЦ и блоком арабских партий, использовали мандат , полученный от новых репатриантов из СНГ для получения должности вице-мера для упомянутого блока
СообщениеДобавлено: 31 Авг 2003 15:32    Заголовок сообщения:

